May 08, 2019 1 min read

October is Pit Bull Awareness Month! Wondering what you can do to celebrate? Jolly Pets has got you covered!

Post It

Dedicate one or all of your social media pages to positive pitty posts! Repost an informational blog or post a cutie pie pitty to your Instagram. Show your friends and followers that Pit Bulls are awesome!

Get Involved

Volunteer, donate or adopt. Spend the day helping out at a rescue. You can also donate food, toys, blankets, or dog beds to a local shelter. Better yet, adopt a pitty of your own!

Share Stories

Whether it be a personal experience you had with a pitty or a pitty power story you read, get the stories out there! An effective and encouraging way to end the stigma that surrounds the Pit Bull breed is by great word of mouth.

Educate Children

Share with your kids, cousins, sisters, brothers, and neighbors a positive Pit Bull message. Educate younger generations on how to treat all animals with kindness and caution so that all their future interactions with all animals can be positive ones.

Get Political

Reach out to local politicians and let them know that you care about all animal rights, and want to help educate people and get involved. You can also search for and sign a local or neighborhood Pit Bull friendly petition.

Hug a Pit Bull

Obviously, take precautions and ask their owners if they are friendly and open to hugs from strangers. If the owner gives you the go-ahead, then give that pup a hug! Let Pit Bull owners know that you support them and think their dogs are awesome!